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Learning Experience Design and Training.

We design incredible learning experiences for our clients and teach others how to do the same!

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Consistent High-Quality Learning Experiences With Our Proven Design Process.

Whether you need e-learning, a serious game, web app, escape room, or training, the steps in our design process remain the same. From the first ideas to the final design,  each step brings you closer to a memorable learning experience.

1. Question

We always start our design process by formulating the central question or challenge, which makes sure that we are heading in the right direction.

2. Research

There are at least two things we research before we can design a learning experience: the learner and the learning outcome.

3. Design

It's time to get creative! We generate good ideas and turn those ideas into designs that meet the project objectives.

4. Develop

During development we take our designs and turn them into actual experiences. With each design iteration we develop a more detailed and finalized version of the learning experience.

5. Test

But does the design even work? We put it to the test to find out if it appeals to the learner and if the learning outcome is achieved. With the feedback we improve our design and test again.

6. Iterate

With the valuable feedback of user tests we iterate and improve our design. This process repeats until the learning experience is perfect.

7. Launch

If the learning experience appeals to the learner and it achieves the goals from the first step, it is ready to launch!

Learning Experience Canvas on blue background

The Learning Experience Canvas

Discover the most popular learning experience design tool in the world: the Learning Experience Canvas. We created this powerful design tool and love it so much, that we decided to share it for free. Try it yourself just like thousands of others already did!

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What We Deliver.

Learning experience design consists of multiple disciplines and skills so it can be a bit overwhelming. To make it a bit more tangible, these are some of the experiences we deliver. 

Truly Unique LX Design.
Every Single Project.

Shapers team meeting
Want to start a project?

Let's Talk

LX Design

Learning experience design is our field of expertise. Literally, because Niels Floor, owner of Shapers, came up with the term in 2007. Since then, we have been pioneering the field of LX design and perfecting our craft of creating amazing learning experiences.

Design research

Co-creation (LX canvas)

Custom LX design

User testing

Maarten and Wesselien designing
Game Design

Games are great fun and a serious option for offering an engaging learning experience. We design games and playful experiences with the learner and their goals in mind. This ensures results that are both enjoyable and educational.

Serious / applied games


Digital games

Board games

Mobile gaming

Game art & animation

Lieke and Maarten playing a board game
Engaging E-Learning

Who said e-learning has to be boring and predictable? We create e-learning modules that surprise and engage learners through cleverly crafted digital experiences.

Interactive storytelling

Illustration and animation

Striking visual design

Fun game elements

Intuitive user experience

Audio design and music

First look & feel for Akzo Nobel on laptop
Visuals &  Motion

We want each learning experience to look its best. We create custom designs, illustrations and animations to make the experience as attractive for the learner as possible.

UX/UI design

Visual design

Hand drawn illustrations

3D illustrations

Animation and motion graphics

Infographics and models

Wesselien sketching in Procreate

LXD Training.

Right From the Source.

People discussing in groups at the LXD Masterclass
Online training

Our online training reaches and teaches thousands of people around the world. From self paced to large cohorts, there's something for everyone.

Cohort-based learning

Self-paced learning

Global audience

Virtual in-company masterclass

Personal support and feeback

Online resources

Group of people online for training and meet ups
In-person training

Our in-company learning experience design programs provide the perfect opportunity to get hands on with designing memorable learning experience.

One-day in-company program

Open registration masterclass

Two-day in-company program

LX design sprints

In-company masterclass

(Tailored) design challenges

Group of people discussing their prototype
Custom training

If your organisation needs more than our regular training offer, we can create a bespoke LXD program for you. Combine in-person and online activities for a unique learning experience.

Blended company programs

Workshops and talks

Online company cohorts

Guided design sessions

Inspiration sessions

Return days

Group of people discussing their prototype
Want to start learning?

Training Offer

LXD Consultancy.

Let's design together.

Niels Floor facilitating the LXD Masterclass
Implementing LXD

Moving towards learning experience design can pose a real challenge. We're passionate about assisting organisations in embracing the potential of LXD and enhancing their capacity to deliver outstanding learning experiences.

Discover the value of LXD

LXD in your organisation

ID to LXD transition

Creating a community of practice

Tote bag with the quote: Everything we learn comes from experience
LXD Support

During the transition to learning experience design, receiving feedback on your learning experiences from experienced LX designers can be invaluable.

Discovery session


LX Canvas session

Expert reviews

Maarten van Broekhoven explaining the Learning Experience Canvas
Need some help?

Let's Talk

A Global LXD Community.

Will You Join Us?

Niels Floor on stage at LXDCON 2019

Visit for everything LXD. It's packed with valuable resources that will help you get started and grow your LX design skills.

Woman drawing on a whiteboard at LXDCON 2019
(Free) resources

Discover the most used LXD tools in the world, like the Learning Experience Canvas. It's a powerful tool that's free to use.

Woman drawing on post-its on the Learning Experience Canvas
Community & Events

Join LXD enthusiasts from around the world at our monthly meet ups and our annual LXD conference: LXDCON.

People designing and talking at LXDCON 2016
Join the community!


Let's Talk!

Enough about us, let's talk about your great idea, intriguing question or daunting challenge. We'd love to hear from you.

Let's Talk

Learn LXD!

Are you a learning professional who wants to  design better learning experiences? We've got you covered.

Training Offer

Shapers has been our partner for over a decade, delivering a smooth and honest collaboration. Yoleo, their creation, is a hit with children who struggle with reading.



It was a great collaboration. Shapers listened to our needs and challenged our thinking. Thanks to this, obstacles were overcome, and the simplicity of the game was maintained.


Veilig Verkeer Nederland

Join the LXD Course
