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Niels Floor
LXD pioneer

Get to know Niels Floor, the visionary designer, who coined the term learning experience design in 2007 and has been leading the field ever since.

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My Mission.

To spread learning experience design around the globe and improve the lives of learners by applying, teaching and advocating a creative, holistic, and empathic design discipline.

Niels Floor speaking at an event
Niels Floor with his book on Times Square New York
Niels Floor speaking in Stavanger, Norway
Niels Floor smiling at his book launch

About Niels.

Niels' work bridges the world of design and the field of learning. As an author, speaker, trainer, and designer he operates at the forefront of learning experience design. He is the owner of Shapers, an international LX design and training agency. As a teacher, he has taught user experience design, interaction design and media theory at multiple Dutch universities.  He currently teaches LXD at Tulane University. By writing (and illustrating) "This is learning experience design", creating the Learning Experience Canvas, organising LXDCON, and founding, he serves the the global LXD community.


In his book "This is Learning Experience Design" Floor explains what LXD is, how it works and why it matters. Published by Pearson / Peachpit  in 2023 and available worldwide.


After more than fifteen years of pioneering LXD, Niels has many stories to tell. He loves to share his expertise and inspire audiences around the world.


Niels wants to inspire others to design the best possible learning experiences. That's why he and his trainers provide industry-leading LXD training on location and online.


As the owner of LXD agency Shapers, Niels and his team design memorable learning experiences for clients that expect more than standard solutions.  Learn more at

The book This is Learning Experience Design by Niels Floor

The LXD Book is Out!

Niels' first book "This learning experience design" covers LXD mindsets, methods, skills, tools: everything you need to succeed. You'll go step-by-step through every stage of the LXD process, from preliminary questions and ideas to focused design research, and from prototyping to final design. It includes the world's #1 LXD tool, the Learning Experience Canvas, together with key tools such as personas, empathy maps, and experience maps.

Contact Henna de Koning
Scribbled text: Hi I'm Henna, how can I help you?

Niels is powered by Shapers.

Find more information about Learning Experience Design on

© 2024 by Niels / Shapers

Get in Touch.

Niels Floor on brown background

Let us know what Niels can do for you! We'd love to hear your story and work together on making your event, training, or design a success.

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3526 KS Utrecht
The Netherlands


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LXD Talks.

At events across the world, Niels engages audiences with inspiring stories about learning experience design. His unique perspective as the "father of learning experience design" guarantees a memorable session.

The power of experience

We've all had unforgettable experiences that teach valuable lessons. As a learning experience designer, the power of experience is in your hands. Discover how to use this power for the creation of memorable learning experiences.

Rooted in design

LXD is a creative design discipline that combines a design approach with learning expertise. It's an exciting mix of fields with two ingredients that are indispensable: Experience design and user experience design.

Design for emotion

How we feel colors our experience and influences how and what we learn. Explore how to design for emotion and create learning experiences that feel as good as they work!

Black and white portrait of Niels Floor smiling
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Niels Floor
LXD pioneer

Get to know Niels Floor, the visionary designer, who coined the term learning experience design in 2007 and has been leading the field ever since.

Order Niels' book This is Learning Experience Design.


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Niels' Clients.

Niels serves a wide variety of international clients as speaker, teacher, trainer and designer. If you are interested in inviting him to your university, school, company or NGO, please contact us.

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