Waar is het Gevaar?
Creative board game where children build their school environment and draw solutions for traffic dangers.
Veilig Verkeer Nederland (The Dutch Traffic Safety Organisation) assists schools and municipalities in improving traffic safety (awareness) in the school environment. Through collaboration, VVN has found that 71% of all parents perceive the traffic situation around the school as unsafe. This is mainly due to the congestion during drop-off and pick-up times.
In the Safe School Environment Project, VVN connects the school, municipality, local residents, parents, and children. As part of this project, VVN asked us to create a game to educate children about traffic safety in the school environment. It was important for both children and preferably parents to be involved.
During this project, we had to consider various stakeholders. For children, the game needed to be fun and educational. For VVN, achieving the goals was essential. Schools didn't want to spend too much time on the program. Teachers needed to be able to implement it in the classroom with minimal preparation. Additionally, it would be great if parents could also learn from what their children do at school. It was no easy task, but we managed to create a fantastic game that serves the needs of all stakeholders.
71% of all Dutch parents experience the traffic situation around the school as unsafe!